Data Center Hosting Service

Information Services provides Tier 3, highly fault tolerant and secure, Data Center facilities that centralizes our organization's shared IT operations and equipment for the purposes of securely storing, processing and disseminating data and applications. Health IS has the expertise to host rack-mountable data center gear. We house some of our organization's most critical assets. As such, our data centers are a vital component to providing continuity to daily operations. 

Features: Expandable rack space located in a temperature and humidity controlled environment with multi-factored security and fault-tolerant infrastructure.

Service Owner: Adam Royce​, Data Center Manager

Request Process: 
Hardware intake is described in KB0015024
All services are described in KB0015348    

How do I use the service?
If you have gear located in your lab, office, or telecom room space and need it in a more secure environment, Data Center Services will be happy to host your equipment in a top tier environment.