The Medical Education Technology (MedEDTech) group helps facilitate teaching and learning in service of the University’s and Health Sciences' educational mission, with a commitment to quality, collaboration, customer focus, innovation, and inclusiveness.
For resources and guides to assist faculty during the current remote instruction situation, please visit the
Education Continuity Tools and Resources page on the MedEDTech website.
More general information about teaching resources are listed below.
 | Canvas is a learning management system produced by Instructure. Courses that are provided through Canvas make it possible to access assignments, discussions, quizzes, and grades via your laptop, desktop, phone, and/or tablet. View some
Canvas feauresfor more information or to login. Listen to
recorded video tutorial sessions to learn the basics.
Courses with Health Science students enrolled (medical or pharmacy students) are supported by the
MedEDTech group, while other HS Graduate Program courses are supported by the campus
Educational Technology Services (ETS) group. |
 | MedHub provides users with control and consistency across the enterprise while delivering a flexible solution that meets individual program needs. MedHub offers both Graduate Medical Education (GME) & Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) management in one system.
Review the
MedHub sheet for more information. Check the
MedHub Initial Login Instructions for assistance with login issues. Learn how to
manage Favorites for quick access to frequently visited pages or how to
view faculty evaluations.
MedHub is the primary system for deliverying evaluations for GME & UME activities. For inquiries concerning evaluations or MedHub in general, please contact UCSD MedHub Support.
 | An audience engagement tool that works in PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides and is available for current UC San Diego Health Sciences faculty, staff and students.
View the Poll Everywhere sheet for all the details.
 | Qualtrics is a robust online survey-building tool that is highly customizable and easy to use. With the Qualtrics Research Suite, you are able to build and distribute your survey, analyze and report on your results, and collaborate in real-time in an easy to navigate web-based interface.
Send general health research related inquiries to for assistance. Please note that any institutional evaluations should be run using MedHub and not Qualtrics.
Visit the
Qualtrics page on the UC San Diego Blink website for details.
| Captures of lectures can improve lesson retention and allow for further review and study. Create an audio recording of your lectures with the option of including visuals from the room computer and/or another connected device - e.g., your laptop, tablet/iPad, room camera, etc.
MedEDTech for more information. |